It is very difficult to by a salvaged cars. In some cases the vehicle is in good enough shape that with some repair it can be road worthy again so it is sold with a salvage title. When the vehicle is inspected and once again registered a normal title will be issued.
Ohio Michigan
does a seller have to tell you a car has been salvaged?
As long as you pay the insurance premiums, there is no limit to the number of cars one driver can insure. The insurance companies will be happy to do business with you.
Sure you can, although it may be cheaper to insure with the same company since most insurance companies offer multi car discounts.
No, you can get regular insurance and you will be fine. You will be able to get full insurance and your classic car.
Insurance companies will be happy to insure as many cars as you want, as long as you are willing to pay the insurance premium.
Yes, It is usually cheaper to have 2 vehicles on the same policy but there may be some cases where you need to have them separated. Some companies will not insure classic cars correctly, recreational vehicles. or motorcycles so they would need a separate policy for a separate company.
Once they are repossesed by insurance companies and salvaged titled they will more than likely be resold if not demolished or sold for scrap depending on severity of the damage.
Yes, you can insure 2 cars but it depends on your insurance company contract. Hope it helps:)
probably none of them until your 21.