$10.10 an hour.
It is 3 hours and 4 minutes.
They will get paid $35.36 for that week.
She will get 35.36 bucks for a week
A health unit worker works an 8 hour shift 7 days a week.
34 hours at 8 dollars an hour works out to $272.
she will make 325.85 if she works for 4.75 hours
$192.31 per hour for a 40-hour work week.
For a full time worker, assume about 2,000 work hours per year.(365 day per year, less weekends and holidays is about 250 work days, working 8 hours/day)So $13/hour works out to $26,000/year.Reduce proportionally if you work less than 40 hours per week.
If Tina works 7 hours and earns 56, she earns 8 per hour.
8.60 an hour
20 hours x 20 per hour = 400 per week
If one makes $19,986 a year and works 30 hours a week, they make $12.82 an hour.
$42,224 a year.