there are a lot of instances when Bella sees Jacob in La Push. to which time were you referring?
a twizzaler.
There is no "Mike La Bella." There is a Mike and a Bella. Mike had a crush on Bella, but Bella liked Edward, not Mike.
Red Liqurice Stick
La Bella was created in 1536.
David La Bella is 5' 11".
Bella La Rosa was born in 1950.
After the attack and Edward saving her, he drives her to the restaurant. There Jessica and Angela leave the two alone. The restaurant where they go into is Bella Italia.
In Twilight, Bella and Edward go to La Bella Italia.
La bella in Italian means "the beautiful" in English.
La Fea Más Bella was created in 2006.
La Vida es Bella was created in 2000.