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Q: In a heterozygous IA i person which allele is dominant IA or i?
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What is the blood type of person who is heterozygous having A and B alleles codominant?

Blood types is a good example of codominance. There are three alleles for blood type, that can be represented as IA, IB, and i. IA and IB are both dominant to i, but when an individual inherits one of each the former two alleles (IAIB), he or she will have type AB blood. Instead of one allele being straightforwardly dominant to another, or the resulting phenotype being a halfway stage between the two alleles, the phenotype has aspects directly resulting from each allele.

What is an example of allele?

an allele is an alternative form of a gene that governs a characteristic, like hair or eye color. an individual gets 1 allele for each charecteristic from each parent. There are dominant alleles and recessive alleles. The dominant allele is the allele that is the person's physical appearance, and the recessive allele is the one that isn't visible but the person has in his/her genotype.

IA and IB are dominant to?

IA and IB is dominant to ii or sometimes preferred IO.

What principle does a person with AB blood illustrate?

a person with AB blood group exhibits a genetic principle called "co-dominance" Explanation there are three genes responsible for the four human blood groups i.e. A, B, O and AB. the genes are Ia, Iband Io. Ia and Ib are dominant genes while Iois a recessive gene. if a person has the genotype IaIa or IaIo he/she will exhibit the blood group "A" similarly a person with genotype IbIb or IbIo will show the blood group "B". But a person with genotype IoIo will show the blood group "O"( IoIo is a homozygousrecessive condition ) since Ia and Ib are dominant genes they express themselves in both homozygous dominant (IaIa and IbIb) condition and heterozygous dominant(IaIo and IbIo) condition. but when the genotype of a person becomes IaIb neither of Ia or Ib genes is able to dominate the other. This is when the principle called "co-dominance" is observed in which both the genes Ia and Ib express themselves to give rise to "AB" blood group.hope i could provide a satisfactory answer ! good luck !!

What are 3 blood alleles?

simply put. A B and O two copies of each allele per person. blood type a = ia ia OR ia io blood type b = ib ib or ib io Blood type o = io io Blood type AB = ia ib

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If both parents O positive can child be A positive?

If both parents are O+ve, it means they have i allele, which is a recessive allele. For a person to have A+ve blood group, IA allele should be present. But in case of both parents being O+ve, there is no possibility that either of the parents carry the IA allele since it is a dominant allele. Thus the child would have to be O+ve.

How do you find the possible genotypes of the children of a woman with blood type O and a man with blood type AB?

There are three alleles for blood type which can be represented by IA, IB, and i. A person with blood type O has the genotype ii. A person with blood type AB has genotype IAIB. If these two people produce children, those children will inherit one allele from each parent. They will therefore certainly inherit the i allele from their mother and either the IA or the IB from their father. The children with the genotype IAi will have type A blood, since the IA allele is dominant to the i allele. The children with the genotype IBi will have type B blood, since the IB allele is also dominant to the i allele.

What is the blood type of person who is heterozygous having A and B alleles codominant?

Blood types is a good example of codominance. There are three alleles for blood type, that can be represented as IA, IB, and i. IA and IB are both dominant to i, but when an individual inherits one of each the former two alleles (IAIB), he or she will have type AB blood. Instead of one allele being straightforwardly dominant to another, or the resulting phenotype being a halfway stage between the two alleles, the phenotype has aspects directly resulting from each allele.

What is an example of allele?

an allele is an alternative form of a gene that governs a characteristic, like hair or eye color. an individual gets 1 allele for each charecteristic from each parent. There are dominant alleles and recessive alleles. The dominant allele is the allele that is the person's physical appearance, and the recessive allele is the one that isn't visible but the person has in his/her genotype.

IA and IB are dominant to?

IA and IB is dominant to ii or sometimes preferred IO.

What principle does a person with AB blood illustrate?

a person with AB blood group exhibits a genetic principle called "co-dominance" Explanation there are three genes responsible for the four human blood groups i.e. A, B, O and AB. the genes are Ia, Iband Io. Ia and Ib are dominant genes while Iois a recessive gene. if a person has the genotype IaIa or IaIo he/she will exhibit the blood group "A" similarly a person with genotype IbIb or IbIo will show the blood group "B". But a person with genotype IoIo will show the blood group "O"( IoIo is a homozygousrecessive condition ) since Ia and Ib are dominant genes they express themselves in both homozygous dominant (IaIa and IbIb) condition and heterozygous dominant(IaIo and IbIo) condition. but when the genotype of a person becomes IaIb neither of Ia or Ib genes is able to dominate the other. This is when the principle called "co-dominance" is observed in which both the genes Ia and Ib express themselves to give rise to "AB" blood group.hope i could provide a satisfactory answer ! good luck !!

How are co dominant alleles expressed?

co dominant alleles are expressed as IA

For blood groups is it possible for an A positive mother and a B positive father to have an O positive daughter?

Yes, it is possible for an A positive mother and a B positive father to have an O positive daughter. Both A (written as IA) and B (written as IB) alleles (versions of the gene) are dominant over the O (written as i) allele. Therefore the mother could have the alleles IAi, and the father IBi If the daughter receives the i allele from both parents, she will have O type blood. Rhesus positive is dominant, so as long as one of the parents passes on a dominant allele, the daughter will also be positive.

If you are AB plus can your child have the same blood type as you?

The child can have the same blood type. It is possible if the child obtains the allele IA from one parent and IB from the other. So if a person with blood type AB provides IA or IB and the other parent provides the other allele, then the child may have the same blood type i.e. AB positive.

What are 3 blood alleles?

simply put. A B and O two copies of each allele per person. blood type a = ia ia OR ia io blood type b = ib ib or ib io Blood type o = io io Blood type AB = ia ib

Can O mother give birth to A baby?

Yes. Blood type is the common product of three different alleles: Co-dominant IA, and IB, and the recessive i.If the mother has blood type O, she has the alleles ii. Her offspring will have blood type A if the father donates an IA allele. For this, he must be blood type A (IAIA or IAi) or AB (IAIB)Read more: What_cross_could_produce_a_child_with_blood_type_A

Why is blood type an example of multiple alleles?

Multiple Alleles:The ABO blood group in humans is determined by multiple alleles of a single gene. There are four possible phenotypes for this character: A person's blood may be either A, B, AB, or O. These letters refer to two carbohydrates--A and B-- that may be found on the surface of red blood cells. A person's blood cells may have carb. A (type A blood), carb B (type B blood), both (type AB), or neither (type O).The four blood groups result from various combinations of three different alleles for the enzyme (I) that attaches the A or B carb. to red blood cells. The enzyme encoded by the IA allele adds the A carb, whereas the IB carb adds the B carb. The enzyme encoded by the iallele adds neither A nor B. Because each person carries two alleles, six genotypes are possible, resulting in four phenotypes. The IA and the IB alleles are dominant to the i allele. They are codominant; both are expressed in the phenotype IAIB heterozygous, who have type AB blood.Source: Campbell, Neil and Reece, Jane. "AP Edition Biology: Seventh Edition.''