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types of asexual reproduction:

-Binary fission


-vegetative reproduction

-spore formation

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Q: All types of asexual reproduction involve the process known as?
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What type of reproduction results in offspring that are usually genetically identical to previous and explain why?

Genetically identical offspring are produced by asexual reproduction, also known as cloning. In asexual reproduction, the parent organism simply replicates its own genetics. This is in contrast to sexual reproduction in which two parent organisms combine their genetics.

Asexual reproduction is based on a type of cell division known as?

Asexual cellular reproduction is accomplished according to a process called mitosis, where the cell's DNA will replicate itself with the help of messenger RNA in the nucleus, then the cell will split off into a new cell. (The sexual cellular reproduction process is called mitosis, and combines the DNA of 2 cells to create a unique cell.)

Is moss sexual or asexual?

they are bothThe reproductive cycle of ferns consists of two generations, one asexual and one sexual. The asexual, or sporophyte, generation represents the fern plant as it is commonly known.

This type of reproduction only requries one parent?

Asexual reproduction (also known, in animals, as parthenogenesis). Many simple organisms such as bacteria, protists and archaea reproduce by splitting. Quite a lot of plants reproduce by budding or sending up suckers, young plants which are genetically identical to the parent. Several plants do this as well as reproducing sexually, so they employ two methods. A lot of invertebrates, some fish and reptiles too, reproduce asexually, where the egg develops without sperm. Some types of shark are known to have reproduced by parthenogenesis.

What is the evolutionary benefit of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction?

There is not necessarily one single advantage. One reason may be that it helps create genetic variation, which makes the gene-pool of a species more robust in the face of environmental change. Another is the DNA repair mechanism involved in meiosis, the essential molecular process involved in sexual reproduction. Yet another molecular advantage is complementation, whereby deleterious recessive genes are masked by normal dominant genes inherited from the other parent.

Related questions

What is asexual reproducion?

From Wikipedia: "Asexual reproduction is a mode of reproduction by which offspring arise from a single parent, and inherit the genes of that parent only, it is reproduction which does not involve meiosis, ploidy reduction, or fertilization."It essentially means that one organism can "split" into two offspring. Bacteria are a classic case of asexual reproduction. In their case, the actual process of asexual reproduction is known as Binary Fission.Although Wikipedia is not the best source for academia, the article below(Sources and related links) gives a great overview of asexual reproduction.

What do you call the asexual reproduction in an amoeba?

Asexual reproduction in amoeba is known as binary fission.

Differtiat sexual reproduction to asexual reproduction?

Firstly, sexual reproduction requires the fusion of male and female gametes, in a process known as fertilisation, while on the other hand, asexual reproduction does not require the fusion of gametes. Secondly, sexual reproduction results in the offspring of the parents to have traits of both parents, due to the random fusion of gametes. While asexual reproduction results in the daughter organism being genetically similar to the mother.

What type of reproduction results in offspring that are usually genetically identical to previous and explain why?

Genetically identical offspring are produced by asexual reproduction, also known as cloning. In asexual reproduction, the parent organism simply replicates its own genetics. This is in contrast to sexual reproduction in which two parent organisms combine their genetics.

What is reproductibility?

Reproduction is the biological process by which new individual organisms are produced. it is the process by which living organisms produce copies of themselvesReproduction is a fundamental feature of all known life; each individual organism exists as the result of reproduction. The known methods of reproduction are broadly grouped into two main types: sexual and asexual. In asexual reproduction, an individual can reproduce without involvement with another individual of that species. The division of a bacterial cell into two daughter cells is an example of asexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction is not, however, limited to single-celled organisms. Most plants have the ability to reproduce asexually. In sexual reproduction two individuals a male and a female are required .

Which types of bacteria can move by itself?

Bacteria do reproduce by themselves through a process known as asexual reproduction. This means they do not require a partner, as in sexual reproduction. In binary fission, a form of asexual reproduction, a bacteria will split itself in half into two identical copies of the original.

Asexual reproduction is based on a type of cell division known as?

Asexual cellular reproduction is accomplished according to a process called mitosis, where the cell's DNA will replicate itself with the help of messenger RNA in the nucleus, then the cell will split off into a new cell. (The sexual cellular reproduction process is called mitosis, and combines the DNA of 2 cells to create a unique cell.)

Is moss sexual or asexual?

they are bothThe reproductive cycle of ferns consists of two generations, one asexual and one sexual. The asexual, or sporophyte, generation represents the fern plant as it is commonly known.

Is sporulation a form of asexual reproduction?

Not necessarily. It's a mechanism to increase the longevity of the "seed" produced. The method of reproduction (asexual or sexual) on the normal reproductive cycle of the species.

What type of cell is used for reproduction?

Gametes, also known as sex cells or reproductive cells. In animals, these are the sperm and ova, in plants the pollen and ovules. In asexual reproduction, known as agamogenesis, reproduction is generally by mitosis, or division.

What process produces offspring from only one parent organism?

There are several answers. As there are no gametes and only one parent, it is asexual reproduction.In different plants and animals, this can be known by various names such as budding, cloning, and grafting.In some animals it is called parthenogenesis. There are times of year, for example, when female aphids (e.g. greenfly) reproduce asexually. When the daughter is born, she already has a small offspring inside her. For this reason aphids reproducing this way are sometimes called "pregnant grandmothers"!

Potatoes strawberries and seedless oranges are often produced by an asexual means of reproduction known as?

vegetation propagation