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A ganglion lump attached to ligaments is a ganglion cyst. The cyst is a ball of fluid that grows on a ligament, tendon, or joint. Most go away in time by themselves, but some need surgery or needle aspiration.

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A ganglion is a group of nerve cells located outside of the brain.

It may also be also a synovial cyst,which is full of fluid, not gristle.

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If you have a lump, go and see a doctor for a diagnosis.

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Q: What is a lump on the tendon at the base of the thumb?
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The metacarpels are at the base of the thumb.

What is flexor carpi radialis tenotomy and if the doctor stated he also released the carpi does that mean carpal tunnel?

Tenotomy means to cut a tendon. In this case the flexor carpi radialis tendon. This tendon doesn't run through the carpel tunnel itself. A few doctors do lump it with the other four that do go through the tunnel. By saying he released the carpi, he means that the cut tendon no longer is attached to the wrist bone it once went to. You must of had problems with the thumb. At the link below, you will see this muscle and tendon. There is a "bar" holding the other tendons away from the flexor carpi radialis. This shows that is is not in the tunnel.

What muscle attaches to the base of the fifth metatarsal?

Peroneus Brevis Tendon (Laterally) Peroneus Tertius Tendon (Dorsally)

What have i done to my wrist it got a hefty knock and now there's a lump underneath my thumb. it hurts all around my hand and wrist whenever i do something.?

If you got a lump under your thumb as well as a heavy blow to your wrist, this might mean you jammed your thumb. You can see a doctor and they can put it back into place.

Why is my babys thumb bent?

Congenital Trigger Thumb A trigger finger or thumb happens when trying to bend or straighten the finger or thumb. It locks or catches and does not move freely. In children, it is often first seen when the child is older than 1 year of age. Causes? Pediatric trigger thumb occurs by chance and is not related to other disorders. A band of tissue called a tendon connects the thumb to a muscle in the forearm. Sometimes in children, the tendon grows faster than the protective sheath that surrounds it. The sheath becomes tight, preventing the tendon from gliding easily inside it. The tendon may become swollen and make it difficult (or impossible) for your child to fully extend their thumb. Treatment? In a small number of children, trigger thumb gets better on its own, without treatment. The chance of this decreases as children get older. Because of this, surgery is recommended for trigger thumbs in children older than 2. Surgery takes about 30 minutes under general anesthesia. During the surgery, the surgeon makes a small cut in the tendon sheath so that the tendon can move smoothly. After surgery, your child will probably have to wear a soft bandage for one to two weeks.

Is the thumb a synovial joint?

yes there is a saddle joint at the base of the thumb.

How many fingers are found on a bats wing?

They have and one thumb also know as their ascorvious tendon

Is it bad if your thumb is numb and can't move when you a have a broken arm?

Often when a body part is numb and immobile, it is because there is tendon damage. My arm went through a window a few years back, I lacerated the tendon in my thumb. 90% of it was cut and it was not only almost impossible to move, but was completely numb before the surgery.

What if there is a small internal growth at the base of the trigger finger?

A nodule (small growth or lump of tissue) at the base of the finger or thumb is a symptom of trigger finger. This should be seen by a local doctor, who can examine the hand, take the person's medical history and discuss the symptoms and any necessary treatment.

What does the curve of thumbs mean?

The curve of your thumb is the part where it looks rounded, at the base of your thumb.

There is a small firm lump under my skin at the base of my penis?

A small firm lump under your skin at the base of your penis could be a cyst, but this should be confirmed with a doctor.