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Nerve tissue

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nervous tissue

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Q: Which type of tissue carries electrical impulses from your brain?
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What would be another word for brainwaves?

Electrical impulses; inspiration; brainstorm.Brain waves are electrical impulses given off by brain tissue which can be measured by an electroencephalogram.Brain waves can also mean an inspiration, sudden idea or brainstorm.

What do electrical impulses of the brain cause?

Electrical impulses of the brain are the nervous impulses that the nervous system uses to control body functions. These impulses may be relayed within the brain, or may be carried to the peripheral nervous system.

What tissue carries electrical messages back and forth to the brain and other parts of the body?

Lymphatic system.

Which nerves carry sound impulses from the inner ear of the brain?

The auditory nerve carries auditory impulses to the brain.

What carries nerve impulses from eyes to brain?

The Optic Nerve

What condition involves abnormal electrical impulses of the brain?

Seizures involve abnormal electrical impulses of the brain. There are likely other conditions related to abnormal electrical impulses. For instance, people who get migraines often show abnormalities on EEG as well.

How do the neurons sent messages to the brain?

electrical impulses

What nerve carries impulses away from the brain?

Motor or efferent nerves.

How are messages carries in neurons?

Neurons send electric impulses to your cells via the dendrites. The Axons carry the electrical impulses away from the cell. This process sends out signals to your brain for all of your body processes such as muscle movement.

Which nerve carries impulses from the cells that detect smells?

The olfactory nerve carries impulses from odor-detecting cells to the brain.

What creates the electrical signal in your heart?

neural impulses from the brain

What is the medical term meaning record of the electricity in the brain?

EEGI believe you are referring to the electroencephalogram, which is a multi-lead measurement of the electrical impulses in the brain. It is commonly referred to as an EEG.Electroencephalogram (EEG)An electroencephalogram (EEG) is what measures the electrical impulses of the heart.EEGelctroencephalographyelectroencephalographyElectroencephalographyAn electroencephalogram (EEG)The electroencephalogramThis is the electroencephalogram, or EEG; it measures electrical impulses in the brain.