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the tall plants will turn purple. it may be cool or look like pooh

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Q: What percentage of the offspring will have purple flowers?
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In pea plants purple flowers are dominant over white flowers. Two plants both heterozygous for the gene that controls flower color are crossed. What percentage of their offspring will have purple flow?

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N an experiment with pea plants two purple flowered pea plants that are heterozygous for the alleles for flower color are crossed The results are offspring with purple flowers 25 offspring with wh?

they are fine ; expected ratios might not be seen simply due to chance

What did Gregor Mendel study to develop the rules for genetic traits?

Around 1857, Gregor Mendel began breeding green peas to study inheritance. Although heredity was still unknown at the time, Mendel was curious about the subject. Mendel worked with green peas because they were simple to test, produced large numbers of offspring, and had different variety of traits. Mendel discovered that when he bred two true-breeding peas: one purple and one white (a purple flower's offspring will always turn out purple) produced offspring of purple flowers (why was it only purple and not white?) because the trait for a purple color for peas is more dominant. Then he decides to breed those new purple flowers. Mendel found a 3 to 1 ratio of purple and white flowers. This led to two laws from Mendel: the law of segregation and the law of independent assortment.He studied the effects genetics had on the colors of the flowers of a plant.

Purple flowers are dominant to white flowers?

Purple flowers certainly are dominant to white flowers. In nature usually dark colors will be dominant over the lighter colors.

A palnt with purple flowers is allowed to self pollinate generation after generation it produces purple flowers this is an example of?

true breeding!

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In pea plants purple flowers are dominant over white flowers. Two plants both heterozygous for the gene that controls flower color are crossed. What percentage of their offspring will have purple flow?

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In pea plants purple flowers are dominant to white flowers if two white flowered plants are cross what percentage offspring will be white folwered?


What percentage of their offspring will have purple flowers?

The answer depends on whose offsprings. And since you cannot be bothered to provide that information, I cannot provide a sensible answer.

Two true-breeding pea plants are crossed one with purple flowers and the other with white. Their offspring are?

If two true-breeding pea plants are crossed their offspring will show the dominant trait. The flowers will be purple or light purple.

What is the probability of obtaining a purple-flowered offspring?

None if the flowers are daffodils! They can only be yellow or white.

A pansy homozygous for purple flowers is crossed with a pansy homozygous for pink flowers. Which genotypes will be exhibited in the offspring?

If the flowers are something like PP (purple) and pp (pink), then the flowers will be Pp if you do the traditional square used in most high school classes.

A cross between homozygous purple flowered and homozygous white flowered pea plants results in offspring with purple flowers This demonstrates?

The principle of dominance.The gene for purple flowers is dominant, while the gene for white flowers is recessive. We know this because both flowers are homozygous, meaning their genes are the same. The genotype of Penelope (the purple flower) is PP, or purple purple. The genotype of Walter (the white flower) is pp, or white white. Because of this, if the gene for white petals was dominant, all the flower offspring would display white petals. If the genes were codominant, the flower offspring would be lavender, an even mix between the white and purple phenotypes.The Punnet square for this example (if you are a visual person) looks like this:......................Walter........................p | p....................___ | ___................P | Pp | Pp |Penelope .....________................P | Pp | Pp |...................|___|___ |You can clearly see that all the offspring are heterozygous, yet because they all share Penelope's phenotype, it is quite obvious that, again, the gene for purple flowers is dominant.

If purple flower color is dominant over white flowers color how can two purple flowered parents produce white flowered offspring?

It can happen when both parents are a heterozygous

A cross between homozygous purple-flowered and homozygous white-flowered pea plants results in offspring with purple flowers This demonstrates?

A homozygous purple flower and a homozygous white flower having offspring that are purple is an example of dominance. Traits that yield to other traits is referred to as recessive. So in this case Purple was the dominant trait and White was the recessive trait.

N an experiment with pea plants two purple flowered pea plants that are heterozygous for the alleles for flower color are crossed The results are offspring with purple flowers 25 offspring with wh?

they are fine ; expected ratios might not be seen simply due to chance

In an experiment with pea plants two purple flowered pea plants that are heterozygous for the alleles for flower color are crossed The results are offspring with purple flowers 25 offspring with w?

they are fine; expected ratios might not been seen simply due to chance

What did Gregor Mendel study to develop the rules for genetic traits?

Around 1857, Gregor Mendel began breeding green peas to study inheritance. Although heredity was still unknown at the time, Mendel was curious about the subject. Mendel worked with green peas because they were simple to test, produced large numbers of offspring, and had different variety of traits. Mendel discovered that when he bred two true-breeding peas: one purple and one white (a purple flower's offspring will always turn out purple) produced offspring of purple flowers (why was it only purple and not white?) because the trait for a purple color for peas is more dominant. Then he decides to breed those new purple flowers. Mendel found a 3 to 1 ratio of purple and white flowers. This led to two laws from Mendel: the law of segregation and the law of independent assortment.He studied the effects genetics had on the colors of the flowers of a plant.