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yes, they do, although according to my spanish teacher they have a different accent to mainland Spain but it is definitely spanish.

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Q: Do people in Gran canary speak Spanish?
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The canary islands are named after dogs by the Spanish. Gran Canarie = The great island of dogs.

Which country is gran canaria in?

Gran Canaria is in Spain, specifically in the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean. It is the second most populous island in the Canary Islands, known for its beautiful beaches and diverse landscapes.

Do people in gran canaria speak spanish?

Yes they do, but with just a little diffferent accent compared to mainland Spain. I am going there in 3 weeks and I will be speaking Spanish because I am styudying it for A level Adios

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The tallest building in the canary isles, is Gran hotel Arrecife in Lanzarote

Is the the gran canary sea colder than the Irish sea?

YES it is. you see the currents from the north Atlantic Drift are very cold and it passes through Gran Canary but it doesn't pass through Ireland. The warm currents pass through Ireland which come form the south Atlantic Drift.So that's how the Irish Sea is warmer than the Gran Canary Sea.

What sea is colder the Irish sea or the gran canary sea?

YES it is. you see the currents from the north Atlantic Drift are very cold and it passes through Gran Canary but it doesn't pass through Ireland. The warm currents pass through Ireland which come form the south Atlantic Drift.So that's how the Irish Sea is warmer than the Gran Canary Sea.

What is the largest city on the canary islands?

Las Palmas de Gran canaria.

When was Ana Wagener born?

Ana Wagener was born in 1962, in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain.

When was JC Falcon born?

JC Falcon was born in 1969, in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain.

Where does Gran Canaria Holidays book travel to?

Gran Canaria Holidays books travel to many places. Some of which are but not limited to Europe, Spain, the Gran Canaria, the Canary Islands, and many other locations.

When was Isabel Prinz born?

Isabel Prinz was born in Gran Canaria, in Canary Islands, Spain.

How did the Spain get the Canary Islands?

By conquest. They started with Lanzarote in 1402, Fuerteventura in 1405, and it took them until 1495 before La Gomera, Gran Canaria, Tenerife, and La Palma were fully under Spanish rule.