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Elements are grouped by their chemical properties. But, in arranging the chemical properties, physical properties are distinguished. These all can be seen in the Periodic Table. The periodic table has all of the known elements in the universe, synthetic or not. In order to understand the periodic table, you must first understand the basic physics behind it.

All elements have atoms, or tiny little particles that make up material. Atoms have a nucleus located in the center. In the nucleus are protons and neutrons. Protons are subatomic particles, or even tinier parts of an atom, that have a positive charge. Neutrons are also subatomic particles that have no charge. On the outside, there are electrons orbiting the nucleus. Electrons, subatomic too, have a negative charge thus creating a overall neutral charge when there are same electrons and protons. Electrons are the only ones really moving (not really) on whats called an orbital. There are many orbitals surrounding elements lower on the periodic table. The first layer of orbital, or closest to nucleus, can hold only two electrons. Then, the layer after it can hold 8. The layer after can hold 8. And so on. But, that is why there are only two at the top row.

Now, the reason why they aren't right next to each other is because of this: Electrons can be taken away or added. They can only be taken to remove that layer of electrons or added to fill that layer of electrons. The chemical property is the covalence. Electrons are lazy and like to do as little work as possible. If it has 2 electrons on the second layer, it would rather get rid of its two electrons than gain 6 to fill its layer. If it has 6 electrons on the second layer, it would rather gain two electrons than lose its 6. So, getting rid of electrons create an overall positive charge for the atom. This is called a cation. Adding causes a negative charge. This is called an anion. However many electrons are on the outermost layer are called the valence electrons.

The periodic table shows different columns or families. These are arranged on how many valence electrons are in the atom at neutral state, zero charge. There is an exception for as you go down farther down the periodic table but don't go past the 3rd row just for understanding sake. Rows are arranged by how many shells there are in that atom. Now that giant gap between the table is for transitional metals. Those are just elements with similar properties and will be left out cus they mess things up. So pretend it is all connected. The helium is on the right side because it has filled its first shell.

Now, all the elements to the right are called noble gases. These have a full shell and are quite happy and rather not add or gain electrons. This makes them extremely stable and the most stable. As you venture to the left side, all those are alkali metals. These are the ones with only one valence electron right. These are the most desperate atoms and will do most anything to get rid of their one electron. This makes them extremely unstable. They react violently with water. These are rarely found in their pure form because they combine so easily with others. Alkali metals are light.

Now, on almost all periodic tables you will find a staircase lining closer to the right side. Every element touching that staircase is called metalloids. All elements to the right are non metal. All elements to left are metal. Metalloids are those elements with properties of both metals and non metals.

Well, that's the basic science physics class. Do further research as you may...

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Elements are grouped by their chemical properties. But, in arranging the chemical properties, physical properties are distinguished.

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