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the electrons moving closer to the nucleus have lower energy level.



When atoms absorb energy, electrons move into higher energy levels, and these electrons lose energy by emitting light when they return to lower energy levels.

It's like a sea saw, you go up, you get energy, go back down, lose it.

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12y ago
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14y ago

If I'm correct, I do believe that the energy levels have an increasing amout of electrons as you go farther out. But remember that you must fill a certain amout of shells first as you gain electrons before you can fill the outer levels

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14y ago

An electron that jumps to a higher orbital is in a higher energy state. Being "further" from the nucleus is irrelevant: the electron has the energy appropriate to its orbital regardless of "where" it "is."

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13y ago

As the electron moves nearer the nucleus the energy level of the electron decreases.

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12y ago

Electrons that are farther from the nucleus have *more* energy than electrons that are closer to the nucleus.

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10y ago

When an electron moves from an outer shell to the next inner shell it forfeits a photon of energy. Therefore, electrons closer to the nucleus have lower energy.

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11y ago

The potential energy of electrons decreases while Kinetic energy becomes increased the overall effect is the decrease in energy.

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8y ago

The energy of an electron closer to the nucleus is higher.

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14y ago

it decreases

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Q: How does the energy of an electron change when the elctron moves closer to the nucleus?
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