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The word connoisseur means to be an expert judge in matters of taste. It can be used easily in a sentence. She wanted to get advice about the wine from the connoisseur.

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Q: Can you give me a sentence for Connoisseur?
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Can you give me a sentence for the word connoisseur?

every time i do something right people connoisseur me people always judge me

What is a sentence for connoisseur?

Mr. Ghirardelli is a chocolate connoisseur.

How do you use connoisseur in a sentence?

"He frequented the best restaurants and was a connoisseur of fine wines."

Need a sentence with the word connoisseur?

a connoisseur of modern art.

Use connoisseur in a sentence?

"He frequented the best restaurants and was a connoisseur of fine wines."

What is a good sentence for the word connoisseur?

A plagiarist would be a connoisseur of choosing the best "good sentences" from the Internet.

What part of speech is in this sentence The connoisseur of fine food bought several unusual spices to prepare the meal?

In this sentence, the word "connoisseur" is a noun.

What part of speech is connoisseur in this sentence The connoisseur of fine food bought several unusual spices to prepare the meal.?


How do use connoisseur in a sentence?

I knew Dad would appreciate a trip to the vinyards of California because he is a connoisseur of fine wines.

What is a sentence using word connoisseur?

* Only the true connoisseur could tell the difference between these two wines. * This is one of these movies that will separate the casual movie- goers from the real connoisseurs. * He was also a connoisseur of Renaissance art. * She is a respected connoisseur and collector of modern art. * This is a gift that any wine connoisseur would love. * The exhibition will be a delight for the collector and connoisseur of silver ornaments. * He's a real connoisseur of Japanese art.

What parts of speech connoisseur?

Connoisseur is a noun.

What is the part of speech of connoisseur?

Connoisseur is a noun.