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Somewhere between $1,100 and $48,000, depending on condition, etc.

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Karim Hannouch

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1000 euro

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Q: What is value of william iii king 1835 gold coins of one mohur weight 11.650 grma?
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What is the population of Mohur village?

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What is the meaning of rbi logo?

As Such there is no meaning attached to it. It was taken from symbol of Victoria Mohur coins during the British rule. Just the Loin was changed to the Tiger simply because the loin was considered more British.

How much gms of gold equals to 1 mohur?

12 . 06 gms

What is the Value of the Gold Mohur of QV of British India?

well, i dont know--ajay

What is the value of east India company coin?

Depends on denomination and condition. A 1835 gold mohur in mint state goes for $3,000 or more, and a double mohur can go up to $7,500. On the low end a quarter Anna in average circulated (good-fine) condition goes for a dollar or so.

What is the value of 1894 queen Victoria gold mohur?

No one made mohurs in 1894. So, it is most likely fake

What is the name of British Indian gold coin worth 15 silver rupees?

A Mohur - value varied between 14 and 16 silver rupees

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Mohurs were not minted after the 1890's, so it is probably a modern copy. Might not even be gold.

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Depends on denomination and condition. A 1835 gold mohur in mint state goes for $3,000 or more, and a double mohur can go up to $7,500. On the low end a quarter Anna in average circulated (good-fine) condition goes for a dollar or so.

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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 8 words with the pattern MO--R. That is, five letter words with 1st letter M and 2nd letter O and 5th letter R. In alphabetical order, they are: moder mohur molar moner moper motor mover mower

What word can be made from these letters srmjmuho?

There is no single American English word that contains all those letters. Here are some other words you can make from those letters.4-letter wordshour, hums, josh, mhos, moms, mors, mums, mush, ohms, ours, rhos, rhus, roms, rums, rush, shmo, sour, sumo5-letter wordshours, humor, jorum, mohur, momus6-letter wordshumors, jorums, mohurs

What word to make with toomrurh?

2-letter wordshm, ho, mo, mu, oh, om, or, to, uh, um, ut3-letter wordshot, hum, hut, mho, moo, mor, mot, mut, ohm, oho, ooh, oot, ort, our, out, rho, rom, rot, rum, rut, tho, tom, too, tor4-letter wordshomo, hoot, hour, hurt, moor, moot, mort, moth, murr, room, root, roto, rout, ruth, thou, thro, thru, toom, toro, torr, tour5-letter wordshumor, mohur, morro, motor, mouth, ortho, rotor, routh, rumor, thoro, thrum, tumor68 words found.