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It is a tie between all of them. The Secretary of State does not sign money. That is done by the Secretary of the Treasury. All dollar bills are also signed by the Treasurer. And no, they aren't the same person. But, if your question is which Secretary of the Treasury signed the fewest bills I'd probably go with the shortest tenured sectreas and that would be Joseph Barr. He was only sectreas for a year and his signature is only on 1.00 dollar bills. 458 million of them. Perhaps Hamilton or another person signed fewer.

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Q: Who is the secretary of state that signed the fewest dollar bills?
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10 dollar bills have a picture of Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the Treasury. 100 dollar bills have a picture of statesman, inventor, and Founding Father Benjamin Franklin.

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All dollar bills have signatures printed on them; one is the Secretary of the Treasury, and the other is the U.S. Treasurer. An uncirculated series 1974 might sell for a few dollars, but it's not especially valuable.

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Current bills:$10 - Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the Treasury $100 - Benjamin Franklin, inventor, diplomat, and one of the Founding Fathers.Obsolete bills:$10,000 - Salmon P. Chase, Secretary of the Treasury (1861-1864)

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Please check your bill again. There are no 1968-date $1 bills. "Barr notes" are dated 1963.There's more information the at question "What is the value of a US 1 dollar bill signed by Secretary Joseph Barr?"

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