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John Cena Has these cars in his collection: 1966 Dodge Hemi Charger, 1969 COPO Camero, 1971 Hornet, 2007 Dodge Hemi SuperBee, 2006 Dodge Viper Pickup Truck, two AMX cars, a 1971 Ford Torino, a mustang

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How many cars does john cena have?

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What kind of cars does john cena have?

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What was john cena's favorite toy as a kid?

It could be Cars or Action figures sorry that I could not give you a certain answer and I love John Cena My WORLD!

What car does John Cena own?

he owns alot of cars like 25 cars in his car collection

What car do John Cena like?

John Cena likes American Muscle Cars. He collects them he has 20 plus some onje of a kind. But it is said he has an escalde !

Has john cena got a car and which kind?

Cena collects muscle cars and has over 20, some of which are one-of-a-kind.

Who is John Cena's dad?

John Cena sr.

What does John Cena's house look like?

john cenas house is huge with he has lots of cars and a swimming pool

Who won john cena or brock lesnar?

John Cena

Does John cena have ps3 accont?

John Cena's PSN is John Cena

What is John cena first name?

John Cena's full name is John Felix Anthony Cena.