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The laws of towing and impounding vary from state to state. In Washington state, the towing company can not force anyone to redeem a vehicle from the impound lot. But after 21 days they can auction the vehicle to the highest bidder. The price that the vehicle sells for at the auction is deducted from the amount owed to the towing company. The balance DOES have to be paid by the registered owner, or it will be turned over to collections. Also according to RCW 46.55 the last registered owner of record is responsible for the fees of towing and storage of an abandoned vehicle. Failure to pay will result in a traffic infraction (failure to redeem) under 46.63. A lean will be placed against the registered owners license and any attempt to renew his or her license will denied until the deficiency and all penalties (collection fees) have been satisfied under RCW 46.63 and RCW 46.55.140. Once again these are Washington State laws, but most other states are similar to this. The other method used by some states is that the towing company is not required to auction the abandoned vehicle and after a certain amount of time, it is awarded to them as payment. These states usually to not permit the tow company to turn the balance over to collections and that would be the end of it. Once again you would need to check the towing and impounding laws of your particular state to find out for certain what their policy is.

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Q: Can the towing company force the owner to pick up the impounded car The owner abandoned it already?
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You get a notice from police that your car was impounded but the towing company released it to the wrong person?

Sounds like grand theft auto to me .

How do you get rid of a car that a bank will not come to get?

Call a local towing company and tell them to come get it as a tow-a-way. Simple. abandoned car.

Can the owner legally abandoned the car in the towing company?

If you no longer owe on the car and own it free and clear then it's your choice. You can pick it from the towing company or not. After a period of time, the towing company will place a lien on the vehicle and take ownership. If you still owe money on the car then you have a contractual responsibility to protect the vehicle from liens and you will still be responsible to pay what you owe to the finance company.

What happens if you leave your car with the towing company in NV and you don't want the car back?

After a period of time, it becomes an abandoned vehicle and can be claimed by another person/company.

Can you get impounded car out in Florida without drivers license?

Try calling the impound to see if they allow transfer to a lower cost storage area. Pay a towing company to take it there and pick it up from there, maybe the towing garage itself. This worked for me in NJ.Good luck!

How can i find a car if it was impounded and don't know the towing company? was impounded by the city or state for moving / non-moving violations. try calling the local PD. The tow could have been ordered by a bank/finance company if the loan payments are in arrears. The tow might have been ordered by a property owner if you park on their property without permission. Towing companies are obliged to inform the local police that they have towed or will tow a vehicle. Otherwise it looks like they are stealing the vehicle.

What is a good towing company in Denver?

Red's Towing Company is a great towing company in Denver, CO. They advertise themselves as the most reliable towing company in the city. Give them a call for your towing needs!

Can you sue a towing company for towing a new car?

Yes.. Towing company for towing a new car.

Can a towing company tow your car out of another towing company's garage?

So long as no money is owed the first towing company.

What are fees for towing company?

This totally depends on the specific towing company.

Why does the California highway patrol use form 180?

For towing vehicles. The form also indicates whetehr the vehicle is stored or impounded. If it is impounded you have to go through CHP to recover your vehicle. If it is stored you can get it out of the lot on your own.

Is there any way to cover Car Towing through your auto insurance?

Car towing may come with your insurance depending on what company and coverage you have. Ask your insurance agent if towing is on your insurance already, if not, there are packages available for an additional premium.