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The at-fault driver's insurance will pay for all property and bodily injury damages.

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Q: What happens if you are driving an uninsured car and you get into an accident and it was not your fault?
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What happens if an uninsured unlicensed driver is driving your uninsured car and has an accident?

Bad things, will mostly likely get a few citation from police. If he is found to be at fault he could be liable for the damage.

In California What happens to an uninsured driver who is not at fault in a car accident?

They are at fault, even if that fault is shared jointly. That car is not supposed to be on the roadway, period. Therefore, it's assumed the accident would not have happened if that car hadn't been there. The driver will be cited for driving without insurance, and the car will be impounded.

If you are driving another persons car with permission and have an accident and the car you are driving is uninsured will your insurance pay to get the car fixed sicne you were at fault?


What if you are a licensed minor driving your parents uninsured car and get into an accident where you were at fault should the judgment be placed on the minor or the parents?

You should get in trouble because you caused the accident.

Uninsured driver not at fault in accident in Texas?


What happens if the driver who is not at fault for an accident does not have insurance in California?

Typically, the uninsured driver will be cited for it, and your insurance co. is liable for the damages.

What happens if you are driving an uninsured car that you also own and you get into an accident and it was your fault I have basic insurance on another vehicle but none on this vehicle in question?

If you are driving an uninsured car that you own and you get into an accident that is your fault, then you have to personally pay for the various expenses that may result from that accident, which includes both the cost resulting from damage to the cars involved, and also any medical expenses which result from injuries to people in those cars. Since you also are legally required to have insurance, the police may impose additional penalties.

Am I considered an uninsured motorist If I am driving my son's car which is fully insured and driving with permission but I do not have insurance and at fault in an accident?

No. The car is insured and your son's policy will provide coverage up to its policy limits.

In California what happens if an uninsured unlicensed driver is driving your insured car and has an accident and the other driver is licensed and insured is at fault?

the insurance of the owners car would have to be liable. basically, your not gonna get sh*t cus driving with no license or insurance automatically makes you at fault--regardless of who really in all actuality was. DONT DRIVE WITH NO INSURANCE.

What happens if you have no auto insurance and no drivers license and you where in car accident but it was not your fault?

Sorry to say, Eva, but an uninsured car is not supposed to be on the public streets and a person with no license is not supposed to be driving a car. Since you contributed to the accident by violating these laws, you are at least partially at fault. The other driver's insurance company is going to deny any claim you submit.

If both drivers in an accident are uninsured does it matter who was at fault?

Even if a driver was uninsured, the driver who was at fault is responsible for paying for repairs. Not having insurance does not take away responsibility.

If you had an accident that was your fault you have uninsured motorist coverage the other driver was uninsured do you have to pay all the costs?

The at fault driver is responsible regardless of who has or does not have insurance. You were at fault, you get the bill. Fortunately though you have insurance. So they get the bill.