Wait until the mouse babies come!!!!!!!! Or I'm sorry to say, get rid of her.
A mouse's gestation period is around 20 days.
No, they come from women who give birth to them. Ask your mother where babies come from.
Mouse will come out in February 2009
Babies come out through the vagina.
It will never come out because the Mouse series is done.
Babies come from the vagina of a woman's lower section.
Babies, indeed come from there. After sex, that is. I am sure you all know about that.
no babies do not come from trees.(XD) they come from humans. females to be exact. that is all you need to know.
well first the mouse cleverly builds a nest out of anything(which the owner provides) then it goes into the nest and gives birth. usually she will come back into the nest and feed her babies until they are old enough to eat food. then when they can eat food the mother just once in a while grooms them.(this is just what i observed with my mouse) :)
Babies that come from blue herons