a girl of 5ft3 should way between 7stone and 9stone x
From my perspective the usual height would be 5ft3.
um no that is the normal weight if you are a girl
Girl if you are that much you are fine people make fun of me all the time and im 13 ,im 5ft3 and im only 87lbs so I think your a little bit thin but its ok you can fill out by eating healthy foods ,exercising regularly (everyday) , and soon you can be the weight that you want to be.
The average weight of a girl that is 26 and is 5'7 should weigh around 152 pounds. Women in the Army should weigh around 143 pounds at the same height.
Depends if ur a guy or girl
You can't weigh 5 foot 5 inches, that is a measurement of your height not your weight.
The weight of a 16-year-old girl depends on her height and build.
A girl who is 4'7'' should weight between 90 and 100 pounds.
Check a BMI chart. If your 11 year old is in the range of 18-24.9, then he/she is in good shape. I would say for a girl: 100 lbs./ for a guy: 115 lbs. This is my opinion. I'm not sure if it's completely accurate.
35 Lbs. Unless You are a girl. If you are a girl yoru should weigh at least 350 Lbs.
Her weight depends on how tall she is