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The best foods for the O blood type are foods such as poultry, meats, yams, seafoods, nuts, beans, vegetables. They are the types of foods that were correlated with tropical environments and the O blood type originated there.

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Q: What foods should a B.O blood type eat?
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What foods should I eat if I have blood type A?

Blood type A people are just the opposite of Blood type O people. You should avoid foods high in fat and eat low fat foods and eat more plant based type foods in your diet.

What food should people with positive type a blood eat?

Go to the drlam website, it has great information on foods to eat with certain blood types. It has a blood type dietary table that tells you what you should and should not eat with your blood type.

Where can I find a list of foods to eat corresponding to blood type?

Yes there are a list of foods that you should eat if you are a certain blood type. If you wish to find information about what you should eat based on your own specific blood type, visit

What foods should type A- blood eat?

The best foods for the O blood type are foods such as poultry, meats, yams, seafoods, nuts, beans, vegetables. They are the types of foods that were correlated with tropical environments and the O blood type originated there.

Are there special foods for my blood type?

If you have anemia there are some foods that you should eat more, however they are not based on blood type. Check out for more information.

What kind of foods should someone with a positive blood type eat?

As of now there is no solid proof that eating foods based on your blood type has any real benefit. It is best to eat a wellrounded diet of foods that are good for you.

What foods should be eaten by people with type b blood?

Some of the foods you should eat with a B blood type is gamey foods such as rabbit, lamb, venison, etc. Eating fruits and vegetables are also great foods for your blood type along with low fat dairy.

What type of foods should a person with O blood eat to lose weight?

When you are trying to lose weight you should eat healthy foods and focus on getting daily exercise. Your blood type does not play a role in the types of foods that you should eat. Try to eat lots of fruits, vegetables and whole grains to lose weight.

What should I know about the blood type diet?

The blood type diet is eating certain foods based on your blood type. The first step to this diet is to determine your blood type and then research foods you can eat based on that. Everyone's blood type is different so it varies. Their is book out called Eat Right 4 Your Type by D'Adamo

What sorts of foods should someone with O blood type eat?

Someone with Type O should eat foods that are high in protein. Chicken, pork, beef, milk, beans, and nuts/seeds. These types of foods are best for Type O.

Where is a list of foods for people with type A blood to eat/avoid? carries a list of foods appropriate for those with type A blood. Protein powder supplement is good for those with type A blood. They should eat plenty of vegetables and avoid red meat.

What are the different foods by blood type? has a list of foods to eat by blood type. Each blood type varies, such as people with type a blood should remain on a mostly vegetarian diet, while people with blood type B should eat red mean, but avoid lentils, peanuts, and corn. Type o blood type needs to maintain a balanced diet while avoiding carbs.