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Q: The first stage of addressing an environmental problem is?
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Koalas are neither extinct nor in any immediate danger of extinction. At this stage, therefore, it is not an environmental problem.

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What is the problem identification stage?

Forecasters must identify what is going to be forecasted, or what is of primary concern. There must be a timeline attached to the forecasting period. This will help the forecasters to determine the methods to be used later.

What is the first step to using ecology to solve environmental problems?

The first stage of addressing an environmental problem is to determine if it is a problem at all. Often groups get concerned over problems that are natural trends. As an example the number of hares and predators are a cyclic phenomenon - hare numbers increase for several years, predator numbers increase due to the easy access to food, the predators eat up the surplus hares, the predators then die off (starve to death) as the food source is over utilized. A problem could be seen by a person not aware of the cycle who only sees a larger number of starving or dead wolves or coyotes.Once the problem is identified as real the required stages are to:Identify the extent of the problemThe causes of the problemThe causes which we can control or remedyIdentify available corrective action which is available, realistic and cost effectiveAs an example:The Tasmanian Devils of Tasmania are endangered; their numbers are seriously depleted in all locations. The cause is a contagious form of cancer transmitted from their mouths during their frequent fights.This satisfies our first three criteria - there is a problem, We know its extent and cause.Now the problems are how to combat it (cancer vaccine, change their disposition, isolate healthy individuals to repopulate areas after all the sick individuals die off. etc).

Why is the problem identification stage important in the research process than the problem solution stage?

It ascertains the objectives for carrying out a research project.

What is the first stage of a diamond?

The first stage of a diamond is carbon.

What is the first stage in the hemostat process?

The first stage is vascular spasm.

How do you make two stage rockets?

First of all you make the first stage. Then you make the first stage again. This will require many stages.

What is first stage in a frog's life?

The first stage is the embrionic stage, followed by the larval, subadult and adult stages.