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The short answer is: yes you can get into some colleges without graduating high school.The longer answer is: it depends on the college and the type of degree you are trying to earn. Every college has the right to decide on their own entrance requirements for their programs.Its the graduation requirements they have less control over. For a school to have the right to hand out a degree that is valid in a particular field they must be able to demonstrate that their students complete a certain number of credits and proper training in the target field.If a college is willing to take students with less than a high school degree they are obligated to provide all the additional training you may be lacking or they cannot award the college level degree you are studying for.As an example, the design school I am currently in does NOT require a high school diploma; however: if you do not have one, you are required to take several additional math and English courses prior to beginning your core degree classes in your field of study. This not only makes it take longer for you to complete college, but would cost you the price of those extra classes.It would be advisable to at least get your GED, this is typically a one time test that is not hard to pass and would save you time and money in your college study. If you fail the GED, you weren't ready for college level classes yet anyway and should complete a GED training course as these again are typically going to be cheaper than the "intro" college courses that would cover the same material.---If you are still in high school, consider finishing your high school degree program. It might be the easiest way to further your education.Contact admissions officers at colleges you are looking at and ask them what their admission requirements are for people in your situation.
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You can either get a GED or finish it at adult school.

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Q: Can you graduate from high school as a Junior if you have enough credits?
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Is there any way to get out of high school early?

Yes, but it's hard work. If you take lots of classes in your freshman, sophomore, and junior year, you may have enough credits to graduate as a junior instead of a senior.

Do you have to get all your junior high credits to graduate high school?

The way you can get all your credits in order to graduate is to do the everyday basics in school such as going to school/ class, Completing your homework assignments, and doing the regular basics in school as a good student. For some school there is a amount of credits you need to graduate so for example at Lincoln M. Alexander Secondary School you need 30 credits and that is alot. Plus the Compulsory Credits.

What year did Kurt Cobaine graduate high school?

he droped out two weeks before graduation because he didnt have enough credits to graduate

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Not exactly. She completed her twelfth year of school but did not have enough credits to graduate.

If you fail history can you graduate for high school?

If it's not a req'd course you can graduate if you have enough credits. Your guidance counselor will tell you if it is req'd.

How many credits do you need to be a junior in California high school?

You need at least 165 to be a senior, and 230 in order to graduate as of 2013.

How many credits are need to graduate from graduate school?

you have to have a minimum of 28 credits to graduate high school. But it varies in different school districts as well and different schools

How many credits do you need to be a junior in high school?

its all the same in ever country/state/city!!! you need 28 credits to graduate.. i hope i helped youu (: Thanks, Jessica well actually no its not in New York u need 22 credits to be a junior You need 44 credits to graduate....its all the same just counted different in Texas a half credit is worth a whole credit in New york

How many credits do you need to get into Boston University?

None. Oddly enough, BU is an undergraduate school (that also offers graduate degrees), and no credits are necessary for enrollment.

Are there school credits you must have to graduate Middle school?

In california you get 5.00 credits each subject and here we have 6 classes so 30 all together and theres two years of middle school so overall u need 60.00 credits to graduate or pass middle school. If you dont have enough then i suggest you attend summer school.

How many credits to graduate High School in Tulsa OK?

You need 23 credits to graduate in Michigan.

How many credits are needed to graduate home school?

if you are in a traditional high school, 220 credits is required to graduate. If you attend some type of adult school only 170 credits are required for graduation.