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Q: If a connection is in the state table what action will occur with future traffic?
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What is the difference between the future simple and future perfect?

The future simple tense is used for an action or situation that will occur in the future. Example: We will do our homework after school. The future perfect tense is used for an action or situation that will occur in the future before some other action or situation. Example: We will have done our homework before dinner.

What is the verb tense of the phrase will occur in the future?

will + verb is future tenseThe rapture will occur in the future.We will go to the beach tomorrow.The dog will eat his food when we have gone.

Example of future tense?

The following sentences illustrate situations where the action will occur in the future: I will be eating. He will be a lawyer next year. They will run the race tomorrow.

What is the future tense for wash?

The future tense of the verb "to wash" is "will wash" or "shall wash."In the English language there are two types of future tense: future and future perfect. The future tense indicates some action that will occur sometime in the future. The future perfect tense indicates some action that is going to start in the future and finish farther into the future. Examples of each are below:Future tense: I will wash. Or it can be: I shall wash.The action will happen sometime in the future.Future perfect tense: I will have washed.The action will start in the future and will be completed some time further into the future.I will wash

What time do most traffic accidents occur on weekends?

accidents usually happen at night time or in the morning they could happen at any time present and future

What is the future tense of will occur?

"will occur" is future tense. The present tense is occur, and the past tense is occurred.

What is the definition of past and future tense verbs?

Past tense verbs indicate actions that have already happened, while future tense verbs indicate actions that will happen. Verbs in the past tense often end in -ed or changed form to show the past action. Verbs in the future tense often use auxiliary words like "will" or "shall" to indicate the action will occur later.

What does the adverb tomorrow tell?

The adverb tomorrow answers the question "when" an action or situation will occur. Because it is in the future, actions must use the future tenses or the imperative mood (e.g. Fix the machine tomorrow).

Does xbox live slow internet connection?

A slow internet connection is what internet package you have. If you have low package then you will expect slow connection when playing on Xbox live. You may find that lag will occur on some games (mostly EA games), this is because there is a high traffic flow on the servers, which sometimes the servers cannot handle it.

When talking about incidents, a precursor is?

A sign that an incident may occur in the future

What communication changes could occur in the future?

There are many advancements in communication that could occur in the future. You might be able to transfer smells while communicating in the future.

How can allele's differences can occur in future generations?

Allelic diffrence in future generation can occur through chromosomal aberrations and mutaions.