During early pregnancy, it is fairly common for light bleeding to occur.... When you first become pregnant most women get what is called Implantation Bleeding which happens when the egg is implanting itself into the uterus. This is very light bleeding that will typically be pink or brown discharges, however for some it is like having a light period. Every female is different and report different symptoms and signs. Most women report bleeding around 4, 8, 12, and sometimes even 16 weeks. Even though bleeding during early pregnancy is common it can be very dangerous and any type of bleeding should be reported to your doctor immediately. If you are cramping and you are having blood clots and you know for certain you are pregnant call your doctor and let them know you could be having a miscarriage!
Source: I'm in the same position as you so I have been doing hours and hours of research a day.
Good luck!
A reddish brownish mix
reddish brownish blondish
Brownish red.
A fox.
It's a brownish-reddish color
reddish brownish
Its a reddish-brownish metal. Its also a soft texture
dark reddish and brownish or purple colored
reddish brown (more brownish)
the red pandas fur looks reddish - brownish
it was reddish - brownish
brunette has reddish/brownish cast to the color. black can have a bluish cast.