I had an eptopic pregnancy last year! I did not know that I was pregnant because the results came back negative. I started what I thought was my period and it lasted about 7 days and then the pains started in. That is when I found out it was an eptopic pregnancy from an ultrasound.
When I got pregnant, I had a fluttering sensation in my lower abdomen that lasted a few seconds. That's how I knew I was pregnant! So the answer is yes!
Oh man. Just take a pregnancy test.
Take another test! I am six months pregnant and thought that I was not pregnant but You can have a light period and still be pregnant. Sometimes when the egg attaches to the uterus it can cause some bleeding. Look it up on google under pregnancy and early bleeding. That should answer a lot of your questions.
take a pregnancy test
Lol you freak
Absolutely yes. My first pregnancy symptoms were indistinguishable from my normal PMS symptoms: cramps, sore breasts, fatigue. In fact, it's why I never considered I might be pregnant until my period was over a week late. This lasted throughout the early pregnancy.
It sounds like you could possibly be pregnant. Why don't you go to your nearest pharmacy and purchase a self pregnancy test to confirm it.
Until your not pregnant at least. It gets worse the further along you get and mine lasted until about 2 months after I had my baby. Good luck.
Yes..it's possible but you may be having an irregular cycle. if you feel that you could be pregnant you should take a home pregnancy test and/or see your Dr.
Yes, if you feel that you could be pregnant you should take a home pregnancy test and/or see your Dr.
Assuming you mean to one woman - 14 children. That's assuming each pregnancy lasted 36 weeks, and she got pregnant soon after each birth ! (Ouch)