Census is one Latin equivalent of 'statistics'. Numerus is another. Still another, more descriptive equivalent is Rerum ad rationem totius imperii pertinentes. In the word by word translation of the third example, the noun 'rerum' means 'things'. The preposition 'ad' means 'to'. The noun 'rationem' means 'computation'. The adjective 'totius' means 'all'. The noun 'imperii' means 'orders'. The adjective 'pertinentes' means 'pertaining'.
The word "status" comes from the Latin word "status," meaning state or condition. It is derived from the verb "stare," which means to stand.
The name ferret is derived from the Latin furittus, meaning "little thief"
The English word derived from the Latin root meaning "to settle" is "sedentary."
The Latin word "environment" is derived from "environs," which comes from the words "en," meaning "in" or "around," and "virer," meaning "to surround."
It is a Latin verb meaning "he/she loves."
LATE 14th Century Old French derived from Latin, derived from Old Latin, derived from Porot-Latin "gnoscere", meaning "to know".
From Latin 'sufficere'. Derived from ''sub' meaning up to, and root of 'facere' meaning to make
The English adjective "insular" derived from the Latin word insula, meaning "island."
The word sapience is derived from the Latin sapientia, meaning "wisdom
in latin: ignis means fire (ignite is derrived from this) and flama means flame
The word is "audience." It comes from the Latin word "audire," which means "to hear."
The genus name Equisetum is derived from the Latin words equus, meaning horse, and seta, meaning bristle.