If you read Sri Aurobindo in either his book "The Life Divine" or the "Synthesis of Yoga" he explains the answer there. Basically, the thought is that man is imbued with intuition of things greater than himself (GOD, Shakti or the Mother). He intuits sometimes in the form of flashes of brilliance, clairvoyance, prescience or outright iinsight. It can take many and all forms such as the flash of intelligence that occurred with the mathematical realization of e=mc2 or understanding the elegant universe in its entirety. Anyway, as the quote suggests, in order to truly tap into the Intuitive mind, we must subordinate or lower mind or intelligent egoic mind. This is because it overtakes the intuitive mind to easily. Since we don't cultivate the intuitive side of our being, when we get insights from this part of the mind (or brain), we immediately rush to apply or interpret the intution and that process itself clouds futher illumination, mainly because this part of the mind is intuitive and not rational. For example, we may get the flash of brilliance regarding how to create electicity and then spend a hundred years applying it to use, but never really discovering where the flash came from and what the flash of insight was really trying to tell us. In the case of electricty, maybe that the entire universe is made up of negative and positive forces that can be understood and ultimately incorporated into our thought, mind and life. So the quote suggests that we have turned on the light, but remained in the dark. We have followed the servant and forgotten the gift.. Hope that helps.
There is no evidence that Einstein said this quote. It is often misattributed to him, but its origins are unclear. Einstein did, however, emphasize the importance of intuition in scientific discovery and problem-solving.
Intuitive Surgical was created in 1995.
Intuitive American Esoteric was created in 2006.
We Are the Faithful was created in 2005.
Be Faithful was created in 1999.
Faithful Place was created in 2010.
The Faithful River was created in 1912.
Voice of the Faithful was created in 2002.
Faithful Witness was created in 1999.
The Faithful Anchor was created in 2001.
A Faithful Christmas was created in 2004.
Soon Forgotten was created in 1996.