800 of course
(88x4) - (84X3)= 100 Need to score 100 in 4th test. Good luck.
Not really, you need a 179 to get into Harvard. But since you are asking if this is a good score, I assume you havent actually taken the test yet. But good luck with law school.
pass their test.
By taking GRE courses, you can learn how to effectively take the SAT test and raise your score by a couple hundred points, depending on your previous knowledge and how well you study.
u must need Manual to score it .:(
You really can't improve your beep test score overnight; you need to train and prepare to improve your score.
There is no simple answer to that. For an exam, you need to have studied well and had lots of practice in order to score high marks in whatever test you are doing.There is no simple answer to that. For an exam, you need to have studied well and had lots of practice in order to score high marks in whatever test you are doing.There is no simple answer to that. For an exam, you need to have studied well and had lots of practice in order to score high marks in whatever test you are doing.There is no simple answer to that. For an exam, you need to have studied well and had lots of practice in order to score high marks in whatever test you are doing.There is no simple answer to that. For an exam, you need to have studied well and had lots of practice in order to score high marks in whatever test you are doing.There is no simple answer to that. For an exam, you need to have studied well and had lots of practice in order to score high marks in whatever test you are doing.There is no simple answer to that. For an exam, you need to have studied well and had lots of practice in order to score high marks in whatever test you are doing.There is no simple answer to that. For an exam, you need to have studied well and had lots of practice in order to score high marks in whatever test you are doing.There is no simple answer to that. For an exam, you need to have studied well and had lots of practice in order to score high marks in whatever test you are doing.There is no simple answer to that. For an exam, you need to have studied well and had lots of practice in order to score high marks in whatever test you are doing.There is no simple answer to that. For an exam, you need to have studied well and had lots of practice in order to score high marks in whatever test you are doing.
the test has 18 questions. you need to answer at least 15 correct to pass.
Might be not. They didn't open their GPA score of accepted students but it's known as around 3.7. And other test scores are high. check out the harvard admission requirements and scores.
To get a score of 2000 on the SAT, would require you to research various test taking study guides, and material. You would need to study vocabulary in all of your core subjects so that you can relate when taking the SAT. I have a related link listed below that has some helpful test sources, to assist with increasing test scores.
69% lol