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Q: What enduring traditions and institutions did great culture intend to most of the Western world?
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Why institutions are relatively permanent with their content?

because the pattern of roles and relations that people inact in a particular culture become traditional and enduring

Has western culture affected geishas?

I think western culture has brought about a lot of confusion as to the sort of women Geisha really are, and the proud artistic traditions they uphold.

What is an ethomusicalogist?

Ethnomusicology is the study of musical history and traditions from a specific (non-Western) culture.

What is the author main message in the poem Island Fire?

People are losing the traditions of their culture!!stay up,BaTman

How can culture improve certain institutions like marriage?

Knowing about where you came from and where you're going and all the in between traditions etc (culture) attest your identity and brings confidence of course.

What institutions are groups in a society do individuals learn their culture?

Individuals learn their culture from a variety of institutions in society, including family, schools, religious organizations, media, and peer groups. These institutions help to transmit values, beliefs, traditions, and norms that shape individual behavior and identity within a particular society.

What is the Roman culture?

Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.

What is the modern roman culture?

The Greco-Roman period refers to the culture of the peoples who were incorporated into the Roman Republic & Roman EmpireRoman culture means the culture of the Romans, just as American culture means the culture of the Americans, British culture means the culture of the British, French culture is the culture of the French, etc. Roman means the people who live in Rome. The Romans conquered a large empire in antiquity The term Greco-Roman refers to the fact that ancient Roman culture was deeply influenced by Greek culture. It means Greek-Roman.

Which of these answers is the best definition of cultural traits?

The customs, values, social institutions, art, music, dance, language, and traditions that are part of a society's culture. A+

What is the purpose of institutions in culture?

Institutions in culture serve to establish and uphold norms, values, and traditions within a society. They provide structure, stability, and continuity by regulating social behavior, preserving cultural heritage, and facilitating collective decision-making. Institutions also help foster social cohesion and identity among members of a community.

what effects did war one have?

The positive aspects were an Eastern People's exposure to future Western trade, economics, culture and traditions.