Below average
It means that you are a very average student.
Cumulative frequency graphs or ogives are used to visually represent how many values are below a certain upper class boundary.
Cumulative frequency refers to the running total of frequencies in a frequency distribution. It shows the number of observations that fall below a certain value in a data set. Each cumulative frequency is the sum of the corresponding frequency and all frequencies below it.
Normal range is 50-150 µg/dl. But even below 200 is considered healthy Student Nurses
An average student is one that is neither below nor above the curve. They do just enough work to make it. They usually have a median GPA like 2.8 but can go as high as a 3.2. They may not get into the best colleges, and they may or may not be involved in one extracurricular activity.
No, the average that a student should get in each grade is a C. If you are below a C that is not passing but if you are above, you will pass.
Middle of the road.....average. If you are a grad student it is a D/F. Grad students can't have a grade below a B to stay in grad school.
It means that the average score of all the students in a class is 70. Ex: Assuming 3 students got the below scores in their English exam for a total score of 100. Student 1 = 60 Student 2 = 70 Student 3 = 80 Total score of 3 students = 60 + 70 + 80 = 210 Average score of 3 students = 210 / 3 = 70
You will be put on probation if your GPA falls below 2.0 fafsa tells students to have at last 2.0 to be fund. If you fall below 2.0 then you are put on probation until you reach 2.0
According to Anderson, Sweeney Williams book Essential of Statistics For Business and Economics, 4e Edition, 2006 p. 34 cumulative frequency distribution is "a variation of the frequency distribution that provides another tabular summary of quantitative data." In simple terms, the cumulative frequency distribution is the sum of the frequencies of all points or outcomes below and including the current point.
More than 5% but generally below 10%. In Ireland an institution called a credit union offers student loans at a generally very favorable price (the exact price changes week by week and place by place)