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Q: When will be the tu result of bbs 1st year of Nepal held in the year 2066?
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Please refer for calculating answerWhat_future_years_will_be_same_as_2010

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Easter Sunday will next fall on April 11th in the year 2066.

What is equivalent to nepalese SLC?

School Leaving Certificate--In Nepal ,it is a national exam held by Ministrio of Nepal examination board ,Sanothimi,in every year after completing 10 years schooling.Only after passing this exam ,student can enter to university.

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Easter Sunday will next fall on April 11th in the year 2066.

How many days r going to be there in february in the year 2066?

28 days since it is not leap year. You have to be able to divide exactly by 4 to be leap year.

When was Katniss born?

Katniss Everdeen was born on May 8th as noted in the Hunger Games trilogy. But, it does not tell her birth year. With calculations that I did, It shows that Katniss was born in about 2063-2066. If you are wondering, to come to this conclusion, I simply toke the year that The Hunger Games was published, 2008, and the year of The Hunger Games, 74, and added them together which gave me 2082. Then I added the age which Katniss was at the time, 16, and subtracted it. Giving me 2066. The reason which i added 2063-2066 is because you don't know the actual year in which she was born. I hope this answer helps! :)

How much can you sell a 200 year old us nickel for?

Nobody knows yet post this question again in 2066 the first year for nickels was 1866