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See a doctor. No one can tell you that on this site.

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Q: You are anemic and had protected sex and have been off te pill 3 days you take it the next morning and have clear watery discharge after sex and 2 weeks after are you pregnant?
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Related questions

What part of speech is anemic?

Anemic is an adjective.

When do you use iron?

When you are anemic. When you are anemic.

When was Anemic Cinema created?

Anemic Cinema was created in 1926.

Once you are anemic will you always be anemic?

No you will not be, it all depends on what the doc said

What is a sentence using the word anemic?

"I felt anemic after hiking through the woods yesterday"

Is Jack barakat anemic?

Yes, Jack Barakat is anemic. But its not a big deal, it just means he has a yellow tint to his skin and bruises a little easier than others. I'm anemic, its not that different. (: Hope that helps..

Will taking flintstone vitamins plus iron while pregnant be okay if you're anemic?

You should only take vitamins and iron as advised by your maternity care provider. Flintstones vitamins are for children and while they won't hurt, there are better ones for pregnant women.

What rhymes with anemic?


How do you put anemic in a sentence?

"So pale was the skin of the bride, that Roderigo suspected she was anemic." "The doctor advised his anemic patient to drink plenty of fluids to help replace the blood he'd lost in the accident."

How do you spell anemic?

The US spelling is anemic (having a low red blood cell count). The UK spelling is anaemic.

How do you spell the name of a person with low iron?

Anemia is the name of the condition. A person with anemia is anemic.

Can an anemic person consume alchol?

Alcohol causes or complicates anemia in a variety of ways, and should not be used by people who are anemic.