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Its the corps of discovery not the corps and discovery

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Q: What were some of the dangers the Corps and Discovery face?
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What were some danger the corps of discovery faced?

Its the corps of discovery not the corps and discovery

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Some dangers astronauts face are losing oxygen, losing contact with base and crash landing.

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There are various different dangers of getting cash loans on-line. Some of these dangers are lack of trust or face-to-face interaction between the loan provider. Also, providing your bank account information is always risky and should be avoided when possible. Caution is the best precaution when making on-line transactions.

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Battle-hardened soldiers may tend to become a bit blasé about the dangers they face.

What dangers did Jacques Cartier had face on the voyagers and in Canada?

some disease from lack of vitamin c i think... watevs

What are some of the challenges faced by the corps of discovery?

The Corps of Discovery faced challenges such as navigating unknown territory, harsh weather conditions, limited supplies, encounters with Native American tribes, and physical hardships. They also had to overcome communication barriers with the indigenous peoples they encountered and maintain morale among the group as they journeyed westward.

What were some of the dangers Thomas Edison faced while working on his inventions?

He face heart burn , vomiting and bad headaches