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Only the designers Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie can answer this question. But I would guess it was because of the handy notation on the drawing board to represent the concept of BEGIN and END.

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14y ago

Curly braces in the C Programming language is used to

  • Enclose a function(it may user defined also) .
  • Enclose a body of a segment (may be a set of statements ) and then it can be laelled.
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8y ago

The term brackets usually means square brackets [], but can also be used loosely to refer to braces {} or parentheses (). Each has a different meaning in C so it's important to use the correct terminology.

Braces {}

Braces are used to delimit compound statements and function bodies. Compound statements are simply a group of two or more simple statements that are to be treated as if they were one statement. We typically refer to compound statements as code blocks. Braces are optional for simple statements but are mandatory for all function bodies.

int f (int x, int y) {

return x + y;


Generally speaking, braces define a scope, thus we can use braces to nest one scope within another and thus localise names to the scopes that actually use them:

void g (void) {

int x; // use x here


int y;

// use both x and y here

} // y falls from scope here

// use x here

} // x falls from scope here

Parentheses ()

Parentheses are used to override operator precedence. Expressions within parenthesis are always evaluated first thus allowing programmers to give precedence to those expressions. For instance, operator precedence dictates that multiplication always comes before addition, thus 3 + 4 * 5 evaluates to 23. If we wish addition to take precedence then we must parenthesise the expression accordingly, thus (3 + 4) * 5 evaluates to 35. Parenthesis has the highest precedence of any operator.

Parentheses are also used to delimit function arguments and are mandatory even if the function has anonymous or void arguments.

void x (int);

void y ();

void z (void);

void use (void) {

x (42);

y ();

y (x);

z ();


Note that although y has no formal arguments, arguments of any number and type can still be passed anonymously. Such code is not valid in C++ and is best avoided (use void as explicit formal argument)

Square Brackets []

Square brackets are used to declare fixed-length arrays and to access the individual elements of an array. For that reason, square brackets are commonly referred to as the array suffix operator.

char hi[] = "hello world";

printf ("The 10th character of "%s" is '%c'\n", hi, hi[9]);

Note that arrays always use zero-based indices in C; the nth character of an array can be found at index n-1.

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11y ago

Lun mera..

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