no you can't sell any sort of greenhouses, boxs, meadows, once you get them you havve them for good unless you delete them
you can grow apples, but there is not much point such you can only sell them for 1 E each. but if you have a greenhouse you can grow anything.
You use it like any other meadow on Howrse.
u have to buy a greenhouse
You can plant crops on Howrse in spring and summer. If you have a greenhouse you can plant all year round.
You can't, unless you have a greenhouse.
No, if you want it keep it, if you don't, sell it.
not by itself you can only sell it with a howrse
Carrot, barley, oat and flax. But in greenhouse everything.
Yes, you are allowed one greenhouse only.
yes you can
Howrse a virtual horse breeding game where you can buy, sell, and make your own horses.