The blue stands for the Red sea, the blood stand for the blood that was lost in the 30 years war against Ethiopia, the green stands for the vegetation/food, and last the yellow stands for the gold and other minerals that the country has.
the shapes of the blue and green are triangles that get bigger as you go from left to right. and the red gets smaller, representing the end of the war. and the shape of the yellow just represents peace.
what do the colors standfor in the roman flag
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There is no relationship between the French flag and the country of Cameroon. The related question "what do the colors of the French flag stand for" is answered below.
The four colors on the Iraq flag are Red, White, Black ,and Green.
The colors stand for liberty, justice, and fraternity (blue, yellow, red).
under the skin of the turkey there are theese colors.
for the british blue
blak and blue