Low oil will trigger a different warning light, specifically the low oil light will come on.
That light is for low oil pressure, not low level.
Low oil pressure
why does oil light come on Oil level is low, pressure is low do to plugged filter or worn engine, or sensor is bad.
It has to be about 2 qts. low for the light to come on.
Bad sending unit, low oil, low oil pressure.
Bad sending unit, low oil, low oil pressure.
The oil light will always come on for just a second after a car is started. If the oil light stays on, the oil could be low or need to be changed.
low on oil
The light is not a low oil light, it is a low oil pressure light. Yes, a weak pump will cause this. Also a bad oil pressure sending unit can cause this.
Low oil Low oil pressure Failed oil sending unit.
No, it would cause the "low oil" light to come on.