they are comfortable how do boys wear what you guys wear?
Nothing is really hiding. People choose to wear clothing. If guys wore no pants, you would likely see genitals.
possible answer: so if your pants fall down then people won't see there butts possible answer: so if they poo, you wont see a brown stain on your pants but on your underwear instead.
Depends what fits.
Only if they fit. Otherwise it's gauche.
People should wear whatever they want to and whatever makes them feel attraactive!
Most ladys look good in them. Its just like you being in your bra and underware.
their butts are too big for cameras
For pants they wear - pants
you will need pink tights, and a black leotard. Wear your hair in a tight bun with no hairs hanging in your face. For guys, usually black jazz pants with a white wife beater or t-shirt (black ballet shoes)
Guys like dirty things. I guess they just like looking at the girls bodies. :) Weird, but the truth. :P
girls or women have more "curves" like out breasts and our butts ;) things you can define, where as guys have their upper bodies. plus girls wear make-up which defines our facial features