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Q: Do freefallers -that go on to use parachutes- experiece G-forces and if so how many?
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How many gforces do f1 drivers experience?

Up to 6gs in racing, sometimes more in a crash.

How many rocket parachutes carried in each life raft?

four parachutes

How do you buy more parachutes on ac brotherhood?

Parachutes are available at the Tailor Shop, if you must re-stock on them. I am not sure how many florins they cost.

How many people die due to faulty parachutes?


How many parachutes are in a airplane?

On ordinary commercial aircraft there are none.

Did they use parachutes in World War 2?

Yes. There were many occasions when troops were parachuted in.

How many deaths were there that were related to parachutes and skydiving?

there are about 100,000 accidents a year for sky diving

What do the parachutes symbolize in The Hunger Games?

In the Hunger Games (the games not the book) parachutes symbolize gifts. If you were a tribute in the Games and were sent a parachute, you would get a gift. In the books however, the parachutes could symbolize many things. But at the end of the series, it would be safe to say that whenever Katniss thinks of the silver parachutes, she will think of her sister Prim (Read book 3 and you will see why).

How is prim killed?

Prim and many other kids are taken to the capitol and parachutes fly down on top of them. They all think it is a gift, but it was Gale and Beetee's bomb idea. The parachutes were bombs and they killed Prim.

How many albums has coldplay sold in America?

4. Parachutes, A Rush of Blood to the Head, X&Y, and Viva La Vida.

Why do parachutes float slowly to earth?

Parachutes slow down the descent of an object by creating drag, as the canopy catches the air and creates resistance. This drag counteracts the force of gravity pulling the object downward, allowing the parachute to descend slowly to the ground. Additionally, the design of the parachute helps to increase air resistance, further slowing down the fall.

What does Paratrooper mean?

A soldier who parachutes into battle (although technically they rarely did so and "para" came to mean elite soldier, with the ability to parachute into a battle zone one of many skills).