The rock is on near the bottom of page 14, above the yellow car under the bridge. Where two men besides it.
itsa Fred again
thirteen number nines
B block upper left
A mouse can be seen on page 17 on the badminton racquet.
Above the blue sunglasses on the left page
one of them is in page 22 and the other one i think it's in page 23
The big yellow ladybug under the starfish on page 9. A ladybug is a beetle.
on the upper right hand corner of page 25....the ice cream cone has the word 'ICE'
The umbrellas can be found on Level 4 of the "You Spy Super Challenger" game. Look for them near the beach area or in the outdoor seating section. Keep an eye out for colorful umbrellas to spot them easily.
On page 12 next to the top right corner of the table are two figurines playing basketball. One of them is holding a ball.
On pages 20 and 21 Hint: They're not hands on your body their hands on a clock
on page thirteen next to the centerfold, in the center, there is a grouping of 4 yellow wooden arches...the pipe (which is tiny) is lying on one of them!