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He definitely likes you he just doesn't know how to tell you.

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Q: A guy told you he didnt like you but now he flirting more and playing footsie with you does he like you?
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How can you get a boy to like you and kiss you?

you could give off subtle hints. This could be flirting such as playing "footsie" or laughing at your jokes. you could also become very "touchy" such as putting their arm around you or giving you hugs.

How do you show a guy i barely met that i like him?

you should give off subtle hints. This could be flirting such as playing "footsie" or laughing at your jokes. you could also become very "touchy" such as putting their arm around you or giving you hugs.

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you could give off subtle hints. This could be flirting such as playing "footsie" or laughing at your jokes. you could also become very "touchy" such as putting their arm around you or giving you hugs.

What does a girl mean when they play footsie?

It probably means she likes you if she's comfortable to do that with you :) However, make some other move an she how she acts first before you say anything, because she may just mean it in a friend way.

What physicalness do guys want from their girlfriend besides sexual stuff?

Ummm..... maybe just flirting things. Like holding hands or footsie. That's not too sexual

You like this girl at school but you dont know if she know tht you exist?

you could give off subtle hints. This could be flirting such as playing "footsie" or laughing at your jokes. you could also become very "touchy" such as putting their arm around you or giving you hugs.

Is playing basketball against a girl you like flirting?


You like this girl and she may like you cause shes always trying to find someway to hurt you like play hitting so is she flirting or is she just playing?

flirting for sure.

I really really like this guy and I've liked him for 9 years now and I'm only thirteen so it's not a crush so what should I do?

you could give off subtle hints. This could be flirting such as playing "footsie" or laughing at your jokes. you could also become very "touchy" such as putting their arm around you or giving you hugs.

What does it mean when a girl pokes a guy on the side of the stomach?

it means they could like like or they could be playing with u or flirting :)

What are ways you flirting giving hint you like someone?

1. Telling Jokes2. Mimicking3. Playing with her

Do Justin Bieber like another girl?

no he like Selena Gomez. Selena however was said to be flirting with Niall Horan from One Direction. It didnt mean anything though