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If such action is taken the application for citizenship will become null and void and the non-citizen will have to wait the required three years before he or she can refile under the marital requirements. The person may also be subject to deportation action if they have not been granted permanent resident status.

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18y ago
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13y ago

Well the answer to that as far as I know is Yes!! I was married to a woman from New Zealand, we got married there and came to live in the US after getting Green Cards. I was from Ireland. It did not work out and we had the option at least at the time of getting divorced in California within a year. In New Zealand or Ireland it would take up to five years.

As it happened we didn't and are now having to wade through a long process.

If we had have done while in California we would already have been divorced quickly. Different states may vary but basically if you are a legal resident of the US you are governed by US law and everything that went before does not matter, if the state you are living in says you "click your heels three times and think of home", and you will be home then that's it, your're done......legally!!!!

So the overall answer is yes. I hope this helps but on a positive point don't bring it to brinkmanship out of pride, maybe you might not need to get divorced , maybe just shake things up to realize what you both would lose.

Divorce believe me is not pretty and there are non winners, my advice work it out if it can be worked out!!

Take care and be happy!!

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15y ago

Yes, if a person is a legal and registered citizen of the specific country, state, province or continent etc. and is married to his/her partner that is otherwise; then yes, he/she can therefore be legible and almost positively receive citizenship.

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13y ago

Not just because of the marriage. They will have to return to their own country and apply for a visa, a process which can take many years if they were deported. If they leave the US on their own and then apply to for a marriage visa, it is much better and a shorter process.

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15y ago

wow why didnt you get a divorce first oh the citizen ship paper, kind messed up if you ask me yet something happen like that just dont know yr answer sorry

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16y ago

No.. go home

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Q: Can a legal immigrant who marries a citizen become legal?
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If they're in the country legally, they should apply for US citizenship.

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Check with the laws in your state before getting married, but in most states, anyone who marries a United States citizen can become a US citizen, and thus be legal.

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No, marrying a US citizen or a permanent resident does not grant the illegal immigrant legal status regardless of whether there is a child involved or not.

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No, but it does give you the ability to complete the naturalization process.

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No- the President must be a natural born citizen.

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No, she is not. She will be allowed to remain in the US with her spouse and children, but she will have to apply for citizenship separate from her marriage. The US citizen REMAINS a US citizen. The immigrant remains an immigrant and must follow the legal path to resident immigrant status, and from there to citizenship. Marriage is not a free pass to residency or citizenship.

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the imagrant should be deported or become a citizen. technicly the baby is a legal citizen.

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I thought you could also become a citizen by joining the army

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Not automatically. They have to apply for a green card and then apply for Naturalization.

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Yes, they could think the marriage is just to stay in the country.

If your boyfriend and you want to get married and he is not a legal citizen can you still get married?

It is legal in the United States for an illegal immigrant to marry a US citizen. Once the marriage is legal, the illegal immigrant becomes a legal immigrant and can stay in the US for the course of the marriage.