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Yes, his first kiss was when he was 10 in an episode of the drama Nanako to Nanao.

The girl kissing him was 16 at the time.

Scene with kiss- (The kiss is at about 5:40)....dammn it....he should kiss me for about 10-20 mins........and who's that girl's name that kiss chinen?....

i cant believe it but... it had already happened... and it was the upper lips that the girl kissed..

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Q: Does Yuri chinen really kiss someone?
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There is NO PROOF of this rumor, so I'll have to say no, she is not.

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Its just yearning, probably. You wish someone would kiss you like that. Totally natural.

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yes. Yuri and wolfram do kiss in OVA 3, but sadly, you cant see it. It's off screen

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Amazing if you really like them :) i could kiss all daay :)

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don't just kiss someone to kiss someone wait to find someone you really care about

What is Yuri boyfriend name?

shinee minho I saw him kiss her

Who does Yuri kiss on kyo kara maoh?

~*SPOILERS*~In the anime Yuri does not kiss anyone on the lips, he is however kissed himself. In the 3rd OVA Wolfram (who under Shinou's, the Original Kings, control) kisses Yuri. To find out why, just watch the OVA's.

How do you kiss someone accidentally?

Basically kiss them like you mean it. It doesn't really matter. It feels wrong at first but the more you kiss the better you get at it.

How old should you be to french kiss?

Just Do It When Your Ready, And With Someone You Really Like.