I suppose it is possible. Occasionally you might just find that guy that is nice to everyone he sees. If that is the case, what a gentlemen!
People make judgments of you within the first 30 seconds of just seeing you. But to truly like someone you need to find out more about them.
he could.
Naruto never says whether or not he thinks Hinata is pretty in Shippuden or not.
Alison never talked about her twin
If a girl you've never talked to looks deep into your eyes, it could be that she is hoping you'll talk to her. Also, sometimes people don't realize they're staring. Next time, say 'hi' to her and see if she responds.
no you should give it a chance....you'll never know unless you try to talk to her
He's never actually talked about his religious views. I'm pretty sure he's an atheist though.
Well, when a guy shoots a look you can never tell what he really thinks unless you ask.
This is what we call a crush. You both are interested in looks, but you never talked. If you want to learn who he is don't just stare at him go for it and talk to him. Don't think that he likes you, because chances are he just thinks you cute, hot or good looking, give it a chance to learn who he is and if you like what you learned then you could ask him if he is interested.
It means she thinks your hott. Start a conversation with her, you never know where it could end up. I think it means she may be a bit keen on you. The only way you will find out for sure is to spend more time talking and get to know her better.Don't be pushy.
no, it's just infatuation meaning you think she is pretty and you have a crush on her
might be because girls never believe that they are pretty
Yes. He likes you. He is just trying to get your attention. He just wants you to make the first move because he thinks you don't like him.