Ignore him twice as long. Men are like dogs, if you chase them they will run, but if you run from them they will chase you.
he maybe is upset about something or has a girlfriend
i say that you two dont have a very good relationship, but you could always call him, or something. if he ignores you and doesn't answer ur messages then something might be happening that he`s not telling you
get a life!!!
pocket veto
That is know as a pocket veto.
What if your fern was beautiful 2 days ago Today it is completely eaten by something that apears to be black caterpillers What is this and how do you treat them? In:http://wiki.answers.com/Q/FAQ/4423 [Edit categories]
everthing gonna be down
Maybe he is trying to stay clear of you when you are on your period.
no floppy discs are almost completely useless these days, unless you want to make something out of them.
pocket veto
When a person that you like sometimes ignores you an sometimes they don't can mean a few things. It could mean that the person is busy or it could mean that it the person does not like you as much as you like them.
I have had upset every time I have used Serrapeptase for a couple of days. I don't think everyone experiences this, but I did.