Canadian citizenship is not automatically given to a person by virtue of marriage.
Yes, a man who is American can indeed propose marriage before he has met the girl in person.
I want you baby is ba-deh yek (yekeh for a girl) habibi (habibteh for a girl) in Lebanese.
bint or binit
i think its 16. not sure though.
Yes, a Kurdish boy and an English girl can get married. Marriage is a personal choice and is not restricted by nationality or ethnicity. However, there may be cultural and legal differences to navigate depending on the specific circumstances and countries involved.
Arjook (arjooki for a girl) Samihni(Samhini for a girl)
To say happy birthday to a Lebanese girl, you would say "kull sana wa inta tayyib." This varies slightly from standard Arabic.
If a girl loves guys of the same nationality that means that the girl just has a specific taste in men.
that they could be just friends but not divorce quiston!!!!
tri lemin a dotch ^ (The hell is that...?) I'm lebanese. To a girl, "Kiss me" would be "Boo-see-neh"; To a guy, "Kiss me" would be "Boos-neh".
I'm a lebanese girl and let me tell you this we wear just like you guys... No difference between you and the christian lebanese girls even some of the Muslims wear like us... But the others wear Hijab ( only Muslims then )