they act like that to not make it obvious that they like you.. and if you smile and look back then the cycle is going to go on with each other smiling and looking at each other.
you guys stop looking in here ... have ur own head...
he will look into your eyes when you guys talk to each other. He will also be shy around you. He will always be rough with you and do it for fun. He will never stop looking at you
Its the climate, their culture and diet that makes them better looking and more fit than other countries.
um guys stop looking for answer in ask. com that so champ anyway the answer is hot":)
Not all gay guys are good-looking. Not all good-looking guys are gay. Sorry!
No, most guys prefer looking at females naked !
Don't be jealous and look for other people. It isn't a contest; the one with the most guys does not win. On the contrary, most guys want to party with the popular girl, but they want a relationship with the stable one. Think about what you want, stop looking, and let it find you. You will be surprised how well this works.
no not necisarely right away but if you have an intress in a guy that is but if you like looking at other guys its just your going through a stage every guy and girl go's through its not bad you may or may not grow out of it
Guys stop crushing for about a day before they like another girl!
most korean guys are good looking, but celebrities, like in any other countries, are (much) better looking than ordinary ppl. =)
By looking at other stuff. Suggestions: clouds pretty flowers the ground