* Like it or not he is the father and should be in your child's life if he wants to be so you could get help to seek legal counsel for joint custody of your child. This allows you both to lead separate lives yet you raise the child and he can visit his child. He also should be paying child support if possible. Both of you, for the sake of the baby, must sit down and communicate and tell him other than him seeing his own baby you no longer wish to have contact with him.
The question is not entirely clear. A dream about HAVING the ex boyfriend's baby would be different from dreaming about a baby the ex boyfriend had by someone else.
The maning of ex boyfriend is an old boyfriend...bit silly if u didnt no that !!!
its over now forget it
Yes he did not long after she had the baby
"He is your ex boyfriend" is correct.If you were to say "he was your ex boyfriend" it would suggest that he is no longer your ex.
If he come to the house you are living in and is abusive then you can ask him to leave. If he refuses to leave then call Local Police and explain why you are calling. The Police should then come to the house and talk with both you and the ex-boyfriend. Police will then decide if ex-boyfriend should be arrested or not.
This dream could suggest that there is something in the ex boyfriend's past that needs "washed" or "cleaned up."
If you love your ex boyfriend, dump the current boyfriend and go back to the ex. Marry him, and then have his baby. Rule #1: Do not under any circumstances have a baby with someone you don't love. Rule #2: Do not under any circumstances have a baby you can't afford to raise. Rule #3: Think, very carefully about both rules 1 and 2 before doing anything. Rule #4: If you have to ask the question you posted, you're not ready to have a baby.
Go to the police and ask that he be removed from the home
Think of the Paul Simon song. Hop on the Bus, Gus. Make a new plan Stan.
i mean, if he's your ex-boyfriend he's your EX-boyfriend. that means...boyfriend.
Calmly explain that she needs to give you and your boyfriend space and that she is no longer in a relationship with your man.