Don't be shy be yourself
Well, first DONT try to be popular becasue you are not gonna have time for Everyone and you'll start losing friends than making them. So what you have to socialize. BREAK OUT OF THAT SHELL AND TALK TO SOMEONE! Trust me you will make friends fast this way. Compliment someone. Be funny, nice, and be outgoing to be a success. Maybe even let someone borrow a pencil and help someone when they need help and then they might be helping you next. I HOPE you'll be more comtorable with making friends! BYE!!!! :0)
be kind and thoughtful
truthfully be yourself always and try to socialize more so that you can meet people and can pick some friend worthy people out as not all people may appeal to your interests. lime with friends of friends if you can, make it your gaol for a while to just meet peolple so that you can have a wide array of friends.
Be yourself! don't try to hard to make friends you will probably make friends that like the same things you do. dont be afraid to sit next to someone you think you would get along with.
Well first you got to be very nice and gentle. Then you start of by saying hi and stuff like I'm new here or something. You tell 2 or 3 people about yourself. Then 3 or 4 then you stop for about 2 weeks hang out with your new friends. You passed 2 weeks you get 5 people exact. There you go
Have fun with your friends!!!
you got to know a lot of frends
we can communicate a lot.
Get all her friends to tell her so.
Facebook has a lot of Americans on it, look in your area.
Well you can make a face book account but don't show your face......i'm telling you its the only way if you wanna make friends..... Maybe you can try I make a lot of friends on this website.
a good website that you can make friends on is you can make friends, have a condo, take pictures, chat, and a lot of more things. I love it. t is child safe too.
you make them when you talk to them
The session about friendship encouraged a lot of children to make friends.
usually everyone that you send a friend request to accepts it
If your best friend lies to you a lot, then stop talking to him/or her and make *New* friends that do not lie to you.
Wilton, Connecticut is a great place to hang out with friends. We have a lot of carnivals and fairs there. At Wilton, you can make great friends!
If you have any friends then call them and invite them to your home, if you don't have friends then you have to go to comunity lot and make some friends and then invite them by phone to your home.