It may help to just say it, if you feel like it would make them feel better then tell them you're sorry if you think it would make them feel like crap then don't say anything. It's up to them whether they will forgive you or not, if it's just really eating at you because you were wrong for what you did, explain that you feel that it was your fault. Either way if you say you're sorry and they don't forgive you, then atleast you will feel better because you tried to make it right.
you say sorry, and do things you did before the relationship ended
nope, sorry to break your heart hun.
i have no stink'n idea!XD sorry.
show her how much u love her and need her back in your life.... if she loves you she will come back... and say sorry to her for breaking her heart and promise her you wont ever break her heart again... and always tell her you love her... =)
You say "Sorry this just isn't going to work out" thenout ask out your ex again! :D
I say no and yes because I would have nothing to do w/ him and he could say sorry
Say some thing romantic and take her out for dinner and you are sorry and say she is right
ANSWER:my question to you is why is it important to you whether your ex will forgive you. I think it's time to move on and maybe one day if you manage your life for better that's when you can make amends to your ex. That is why we call them ex. Always remember, everything happen for a reason in our life.
im sorry to say but get over hes gone
I feel sorry for you
Try to avoid him. If he says he is sorry, maybe you can get together again. Or maybe you should say sorry.
tell her that you are sorry then say you forgive her